How to Use Quick Search

2 minutes Last update 1 month ago

    M-Files quick search provides results fast, so that you can find the information you need when you need it.

    This lesson introduces you to the basics of M-Files quick search.

    Using Quick Search

    Quick search can be used like any other text search. Simply type your search terms and a listing area will appear with your search results.

    Search Targets

    When you perform a search, M-Files will search for those terms in three places:

    • The object name
    • The object’s metadata
    • The document contents

    In the image below, the search terms “Confirmation of Order” are highlighted in the name, metadata, and in the document’s content as seen in the Preview tab.

    Search Filters

    If there are too many results, the search can easily be filtered from the Filters tab.

    Quick Search Features

    M-Files uses a word-based search engine, so it will not only deliver results with your search words in that exact form but also different variations of them.

    A good example of this would be if we searched for the word “drive”, M-Files would also deliver results with “drove” or “driving” in them, but not “driver” since that is not a variation of the word “drive”.

    You can also use special characters in your search to find documents and other objects. Here are few notable characters:

    • Quotation marks (” “) around the search terms, M-Files will deliver results with the terms in the exact order they are written in.
    • An asterisk (*) will match any number of characters in its position. For instance, if you add an asterisk at the end of the word train, you will get results such as training.
    • To substitute a single character in the search terms by using the you can use a question mark (?), and for substituting digits the pound sign (#).


    Got Questions?

    First, try using the filters in the Filters tab to narrow your search.

    If you still cannot find the correct information, try these features or methods:

    M-Files is fully customizable. Therefore, every organization has its own tailor-fit version of M-Files. While the general layout of the interface might be similar, things like the create menu, common views, classes, and properties will be different and tailored for your organization.

    This includes the search filter options in the Filters tab.

    It’s important to spend some time getting to know how your vault works.

    When you perform a search, M-Files will search for your search term(s) in three places:

      • The object name

      • The object’s metadata

      • The document contents

    Therefore, in the listing area, some of the objects’ names will be highlighted if they meet the search criteria. If they are not highlighted, that means that the search found something in the object’s metadata or the document contents.

    What's next?
